St Mary’s Sewer Augmentation
The scope of works included constructing
- Approx 1km of 375mm PP sewer carrier
- Building of cast in-situ DTC manholes,
- Constructing vent shafts up to 14m high,
- Micro-tunnelling across Lenore Drive,
- Excavating and shoring of bore and receiving shafts,
- Construct scour out to Ropes Creek
- Connections into existing pipework
- Reinstate paddocks on completion.
- CCTV, air test, vacuum testing to Sydney Water standards
The complexities of the job included excavating and shoring up to 6m deep in water-charged ground, rock removal and environmental controls and working adjacent to Ropes Creek.
Project Info
Client: Abergeldie Contractors Pty Ltd
Description: Athassel Civil was engaged by Abergeldie Contractors Pty Ltd to construct 1,000m of gravity main including ancillary structures such as manholes and vent shafts at St Marys Wastewater System – Infrastructure to Service Growth